Thursday, May 14, 2009

I think I need another coc......cyx

After the morning sickness subsided, my pregnancy with Ross was actually one of the best times of my life!! Guilt free eating! People taking great care to make sure I was comfortable! Baby showers that were actually for ME!!!

It was everything that happened afterward that was hard. I don't remember this at all, but when I was pushing, apparently I said, "Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" everyone replied.

"That pop?"

"It was probably a bone," said one of the five hundred people hovering around me.

This was at 4:oo in the morning. I had been up all night and just wanted to get to a room to maybe sleep (yeah right). I ended up in this room with this lovely Mexican woman who had the Spanish music video channel blaring. There was no "amor" coming from this new mom.

She finally left and I had the room all to myself. I started to get up to go to the bathroom and YOWZA! The place where your back meets your butt had more pain than I'd ever experienced and I'd just went through labor! Uuhhh...'nother epidural please. Apparently the darn epidural wore off and Ross had broken my tailbone. read it right. Broke my tailbone...the coccyx. I decided that as long as I just laid there I was fine so I tried not to move and I sent Ross to the nursery for the night. The next morning, though, something was undeniably wrong. I tried to tell the doctor, but got the sense that she just really didn't believe me. She said to take some ibuprofen and I would be fine. 

So I went home and my mom brought over her old lady walker know the one old people use to get up and down from the toilet. know what I mean. I needed it to get out of any chair. It gave a whole new meaning to "mature" mommy.

So on Ross's 2-day doctor appointment, I told him I needed something a little stronger than ibuprofen and guess what he gave me? Vicodin! The heavens opened up and sang!! Ahhhhh! (That's me singing like angels!) Wow. That and a heating pad...oh yeah...and Aunt Janie's donut pillow got me through the worst of it.

My tailbone will still bother me sometimes...especially if I sit on any hard surfaces (bring out the LazyBoy the next time I come over.) So...I can truly say, from a place of love and acceptance, that Ross will ALWAYS be a pain in my butt.

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